Harmony exists between art, architecture and design. An architect can lead people’s emotions using materials, light, and architectonic spaces. A designer is capable of merging beauty and functionality creating objects of quality. Therefore any design choice is guided by the final goal to create meaningful experiences in daily life. This Art is practiced through the development of highly detailed and emotional models for architecture, design and art.

Responsible choices today have the power to shape the future: it is important to look with a critical eye at the present, respecting tradition, and introducing innovation.

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Current - Personal research path about spatial and formal exploration. Development of highly detailed physical models and three-dimensional objects inspired by everyday and academic experience.

2022 - Internship at Schwarz Architekten in Zurich, Switzerland; covering different project phases between competition, submission and detailing.

2021 - Graduated from Eindhoven University of Technology (NL) obtaining a Bachelor degree in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences.